Sunday 2 September 2012

The year of our lord 02/09/12 Second blog.....ooooer.

Well peeps...I am now well installed in High Street Gallery so do pop along and have a butchers. The gallery is full of fabulous art and David Johnston is always on hand to give you the low down and make you most welcome. "Puck" is there...along with "Banquo" and the "Cloud Angel"....I'm also now installed in Jersey...hurrah"
Along with all this I have finally finished "Ophelia and the Storm" shows ol' Ophelia going quietly bonkers whilst a big eff off storm looms in the background. It was an odd one to do as I had no idea how it was going to turn out. The thing with my work is...sometimes it becomes more organic than I anticipated and this was one of those times. As I tend to paint like a jigsaw it was looking well wierd with just a big "man-storm" one had any bleedin' idea what I was doing....mmmm...I was unsure at times...mind that may well be my great age as I have no idea what I'm doing most of the times these days....ho hum. Any rode all went swimmingly well in the end and she is currently on display at Craigton House on the Hopetoun estate just outside Edinburgh. It's a lovely venue and well worth checking out. I nipped across to Hopetoun House and had was delicious....yum yum.

Thankyou for taking the time...

Ivor x
Ivors log....this day of our doings 02/09/ one.
Yes indeedy....have decided to bung this lot down in stages as it makes more sense to me, it may not to you my chums but....hey goes.

I have finally finished the commission painting for Carmen Storm...the infamous and talented Blackpool "Drag" entertainer. Carmen is producing a charity CD entitled "Two Faces One Voice" and wanted a painting of her as Carmen and him as Alex. It is all to do with the genre of music that both personas would listen to/play/produce. I must say it was bleedin' fun to do be it a tad strange as well. I've never had to paint two sides of a face one at a time even thought they were attached to the other. I have no idea if that makes any sense whats so ever..but, in my head, it is crystal clear. I usually paint block the entire face but this time it had to be done seperately.....ooooooer.....I must say the end result is strangely compelling to look at. Carmen has seen it and approves, which is all that matter really. I must say that I'm well chuffed as it could of gone sling backs up.
The finally CD design is now in her cabable and well maincured hands...I'll give you the heads up when it's all sorted. Hurrah!

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Monday 30 July 2012

Hellooooooo and a fiddley diddley deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I'm feeling right perky today due to a big rush of doings. T'is a very many splendid "thang" as Harry Seacombe used to sing. I put it down to there being a big yellow object in the sky today...such a bleedin' rare occurance this summer to be sure.

I've finally finished "Puck Summoning the Fog"....he, "Banquos Ghost" and "Cloud Angel" are now residing in a wondrous new venue in Glasgow called High Street Gallery. Hurrah! It is resided over by my fabulous mentor and chum...David Johnston...formerly of Park Gallery. Good luck David and a big thank you for all your support. The Merchant City Arts festival is also in full swing and if you take to wandering the streets you could well cop a look at some of my work...Hurrah again! A big thank you to Drew and Ian at Virginia Gallery for sorting it all out...they're also running an exhibition alongside the festival event. Go in and have a wee gander...I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Alongside all of the above...I've been  contacted by a gallery in Jersey wanting to display my wares...yet another hurrah!
I'm dead excited about this and am cuurrently getting some stuff together to ship over. I'm going global! Hurrah and hurrah!

I've just finished drawing out the next's going to be Ophelia going bonkers and chucking her rosemary about. There will be a big tempest looming in the background just to add to the drama. Well...I hope it'll be point in doing Shakespeare if you can't bung in a mad bint and some drama.....I shall keep you posted as to how it's progressing. to create "the art"....

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Monday 16 July 2012

Bon morrow bon morrow bon morrow!

T'is me again...I did say I would start blogging at an alarming rate...and for me...this is an alarming rate. Coooo lummey, I've been painting the live long morn! Thought I'd have a wee break and impart some information on yous lot.
I am about to be displayed around Glasgow on some poster type doings....ooooer. It's all part of the Glasgow festival thingy that kicks off on 26th July. work from many fabulous artists will be on display all over the shop for all the world to wondrous I hear you cry. There'll also be a wee exhibition on display at the Virginia Gallery, 45 Virginia Street,  Merchant City, Glasgow, G1's entitled "Who's for the Game" The preview is this coming Friday 20th July at 6:30pm.
I'll be exhibiting "Burlesque Noir" and "The Escapologist" oooooer.
Both events will run for most of August...hurrah!

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Friday 13 July 2012

Howdy doooooody my chums!

I know...I know...I's been bleedin' ages since my last blog. Mind...I do have a good excuse...I'm having the house ripped apart and a new studio installed in the loft space. My opening has been opened and a wondrous space has been created at the top of my abode...hurrah and hurrah and a big fat thankyou to Shaun the builder for making me a place to paint in peace....
I have also come to an executive decision and...I am unanimous in this....I'm now going to blog more often and with more aplomb....always loved that word...have no idea if it's the right one but who the flop cares. Anyrode up..I digress. I am now going to treat you lovely readers to short snippets of my existance and what is occurring in my artistic bent oooer. Here goes........................
I have finally finished painting "Banquos Ghost" and it was a challenge to be sure. Mmmm...had a bleedin' nightmare trying to create a ghost out of rock...hopefully it works and the image looks suitably spooky. I wanted to create a painting full of regret and guilt...I think it has achieved a look of contemplation...I'm told it has. The painting has created a lorry load of interest....infact...I've gone global! A very very talented writer in France has fallen in love with MacBeth...along with a very very talented sexual health clinician in Scotland...oooooer...I'm well excited!
I've commenced "Puck summoning the Fog".'s taken me eons and eons of staring at this image to know how I want to move forward with it. I've decided that I'm going to create the "fog" in a different other words...not as fog at all...ho hum. Bare with me as the woman in labour said to the midwife...Puck will be summoning the fog but it won't be misty literal fog but a more organic fog. I apologise for all of this arty farty nonsense but it has been a week of builders and their's quite difficult to create "the art" whilst a burly builder is waving his tool at you...................

I thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Good morning peeps,

T'is a dull cloudy day here in Dumfries...which is a bugger really as it's been so beautiful of late I feel fair uplifted. Anyrode up...I digress...............................
The "Queens" exhibition at the Virginia Gallery, Virginia Street, Glasgow is well underway following a successful launch last friday. It is full to the brim of creative doings and paintings...please pop along and have a wee gander. It's running until the 30th june so there's no excuse for not nipping in ho hum.
"Beauty Queen Reliquery" will be on display and ready to greet you...her diet pills are wearing off and her eyelashes have go see her before she morphs into a faded old queen.

I spent the week end in Liverpool...I was at a Eurovision Song Contest party to be precise....mmmm...never experienced one before as the last time I watched Eurovision Katy Boyle was doing her "Une point" multiligual bit. Must say it's changed a lot......and on the note I shall remain tight lipped..........The reason I raised the subject was because I met a very engaging, witty and talented poet whilst I was there. I realised just how much the written word can inspire me...I tend to see words as paintings and was amazed at how a man could paint an image with words. Coooo lummey...hark at me being all interlectual and arty first thing in the morning. I'm not sure if Kevin is published as yet...but if he's not, he should be...I'm hoping to be able to use his words for some paintings. As I said to're welcome to thrust your greatness upon me and I'll see what flow it creates....
Thank you Kevin....
Talking of words and images...the Shakespeare series is now underway. "Banquos Ghost" is shimmering nicely and I'm about to attempt a vision of hauntingness. Mmmmm....may well end up a lorry load of ectoplasm and wispyness. I'm trying to create a feeling of Banquo as part of the landscape....I suppose it stems from all the "shape shifting" stuff. All I know is I'm well enjoying the telling of a tale and no one tells a tale like Shakespeare. Hey nonny nonny and a tra la la la la...verily and forsoothe with a big codpiece and a mighty madrigal....I think I've made myself clear.....
I'm wanting to paint "Lady MacBeth" as I love all of that "Out damn spot" carry on. I have a model in mind and now have to persuade her she wants to be immortalised as a bonkers old murderess....I shall have to use all of my charm and wit..................................................

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Monday 21 May 2012

Well fiddle dee dee and shiver me timbers....

The "Tall Ship" exhibition was a right ol' blast. It was so good to exhibit on board a floating to speak. It's an amazing venue and well worth a gander at. There's still loads of stuff on display until the 6th June so pop along and have a wee nosey. Must admit it was a tad short of pirates and does that joke go?.....oooer...but an amazing place non the less.
A massive load of praise should go out to Julie, David and Mark for all the bleedin' hard work they put in....well done yous.
I've submitted my "Beauty Queen Reliquery" to Virginia Gallery for the "Queens" exhibition. It kicks off this coming Friday...25th May and lasts until at least 30th June. Hurrah!
There'll be 60 artists displaying their wares all on the theme of the Queens jubilee...God bless her and all who sail in her....This one will also be well worth a visit so get yourselves along and have a look.

I've started work on a new piece...I'm going all Shakespearian oooooer. I know I know it'll mean me having to be a bit more cultured than of late but it's a challenge I'm rising to...which is quite an achievement as I'm only 5'2". I'm starting off with "Banquos Ghost"....whooooo and hooooo and oooooo. I have no idea how I'm going to pull off the apparition bit but I'm willing to give it a go....where's Doris Stokes when you need her and what exactly does ectoplasm look like? It's a conundrum to be sure....
Want to say a big thank you to Stephen for being my're a star fella and I am internally grateful...cheers fella. I shall keep you all posted on my progress.....

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Saturday 12 May 2012

Howdy doooooody to one and all!

I did warn you that I would be wittering on a lot more than usual...t'is the sunshine and the urge to impart......oooooer.
Actually I just wanted to inform you all that I shall be exhibiting at the "Tall Ship" exhibition on 18th May in Glasgow. I'm splicing the main brace, polishing my cutlas and pooping my deck the live long day in readiness for the great event. It'll be full of brill artists and the venue is bloody bloody marvelous. I must say...seeing as I hale from Portsmouth...I'm really looking forward to the whole thing....mmmmm....wonder if I'll need my sea legs?

"The Water Ghosts" will be on display...along with "Rose Lad" and "Rose Girl"...not too sure where the "water" is on the rose ones but...hey ho...artistic licence and all that......
Please pop along and have a gander...please excuse the'll be a blast!

Ooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh me mateys...pieces of eight...pieces of eight....

Thank you for taking the time....

Ivor x

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Howdy doooooody peeps!

well you'll be pleased to know that I have finally moved and am now established in my new abode hurrah! I've also had new windows put into my loft ambiance by the very lovely Baz and not a cockerny tribute act but two very good roofers ho hum. I am now able to paint away merrily up in the roof space without a care in the world......ooooer and hurrah once more!
Right...where to begin?
The "Fallen to Earth" exhibition was well received by one and all and I sold "The Bird Man" to a very lovely lady from Oban called Sarah...she's a beautiful lady and an acomplished artist herself so I was well chuffed. She also has a very beautiful daughter who....I feel...would paint up rather well. I see her bedecked in feathers oooooer. If you're reading this Rowan please feel free to run and flee.....or maybe fly boom boom.

I also sold two paintings at "The House for an Art Lover" exhibition. "Lady with Hawk" and the "Lost Princess"was purchased by an equally beautiful lady called Christine...thank you Christine you're a star and I love you.
In the mean time two other paintings are about to leave me and find new homes in different parts of the country....hurrah and hurrah! Both have gone to blokes...."The Snow Goose" and "The Goshawk and the Blue Tit" are flying South...please excuse the pun.

So all in all it's been a rather productive time and long may it last is all I can say. I have also decided to start doing regular postings so that I can bore you more often......brace yourselves....

To finish this little blogette I will just say that I will be displaying work at two more exhibitions in the not too distant future...details will follow shortly...I bet you can't wait.......

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Friday 13 April 2012

Bonjourno bonjourno bonjourno...
Just a wee brief quickie...ooooer. Up to my eyes in packing for next Tuesdays to a new abode. All very exciting but a piggin' nightmare to organise when one has exhibitions looming. Ho hum.
Just wanted to upload a pic of the painting that I'm showing at the "House for an Art Lover" exhibition on Sunday...15th April-17th April. I'll have three paintings there as part of the show. It'll be full of amazing paintings by shed loads of Scotlands foremost artists...oooooer. Please pop along and have a gander....I asure you it won't dissappoint.
Thank you for taking the time,
Ivor x

Saturday 7 April 2012

Well bonjourno my special chums,
I trust we're all well and life is being kind....?
I have been a very busy old artist these past well knackered. The exhibition continues at the Virginia Gallery until 21st April...the launch was a brill affair as I got to meet lots and lots of fellow artists from all over Glasgow. I even sold a painting to a lovely lady from Oban...thanks Sarah, I know he's going to a good home. Please pop along and have a gander if you're in the area...I'd be very appreciative. It'll also give everyone a chance to see where the internal workings of my mind have been taking me over the past few years...ho hum. I seem to have become obsessed with birds and wings recently....ooooer....perhaps an ornithologists has possessed my body...blimey, I may end up looking like Bill Oddy.......
I'm just doing the finishing tweaks on the lastest's called "The Goshawk and the Blue's that Bill Oddy geezer again. It's based on the "Child Ballad" stories and depicts a maiden who is trying to escape the amorous advances of a blacksmith. In her attempt to get away she shape-shifts into a blue continue the chase, he morphs into a goshawk. All very romantic no less.......
The painting is for a three day exhibition being held at the gorgeous "House for an Art Lover" in Glasgow. It's a beautiful venue...Rene Mackintosh...all arts and craft and gorgeousness. The lovely Julie Waddington of Bespoke Art Gallery is arranging the event with a shed load of assistance from fellow artist and all round good egg Mark Getty. I'm putting in three paintings...two of which are new paintings...the one mentioned above and "The Lost Princess" oooer. Told you I have been busy busy busy.
On top of it all...I'm moving house so am surrounded by boxes...some of which I really should fill. It's a piggin' pain having sooooo much stuff. I'm also about to commence work on a painting for the forthcoming exhibition entitled "Queen"'s to commemorate the marvelously patriotic to be sure. I'm giving up the birds and wings for this one...I shall endeavour to do something regal but with a's hoping I can pull it off...oh and do the painting at the same time boom boom. to fill a the actress said to the bishop.
Thankyou for taking the time,
Ivor x

Thursday 22 March 2012

Good morning good morning good morning...and what a beauty it is to. It makes you want to run amok amongst the daffers.
I trust everyone is well and life is being kind...?
This is a wee blog to announce my solo exhibition at the Virginia Gallery in Glasgow.
It kicks off on Friday 23rd March and runs until Saturday 2ist April. If any one feels the urge to have a gander then please pop in...Ian and Drew will make you most welcome.
Thank you for taking the time,
Ivor x

Friday 2 March 2012

Well helloooo and hellooooo,

Blimey hadn't realised it was so piggin' long since last I was here....ooooer. Mind...I have been blighted with sciatica which really hasn't been any sort of picnic...not the picnicking is good at this time of year and in this has also made me ramble on and on and on and on..............I rest my case. I am now practically vertical again now so all is well in my world...

I have to say that I was made up, chuffed, totally blown away due to a wee painting sale. A very nice man called Bryan contacted me about my work...came a visiting up from olde England and promptly bought my triptych "The Lover, the Wife and the Husband" This painting is now residing in Preston and I know it has gone to a good and appreciative home. Thank you Bryan for your support and patronage.

I've been dead busy working towards my solo exhibition in March. It's to be at the Virginia Gallery, Merchant City, Glasgow. The date is currently 23rd March for a 4 week run. I shall keep you all posted with the details when they're confirmed. I would be internally grateful to one and all if they wanted to pop along and have a gander at the paintings. apt to say "gander" as I'm just completing a painting of a snow goose woman. She is the twin to the "Murmurring" painting and is the yang to his ying. It's all very "spiritual".....

I've also just completed a wee painting called "The Lost Princess"'s sort of connected to the "Kings Mistressess" series...only she's not a mistress...infact she's Anastasia complete with a husky. Pics of these paintings will be posted when I get decent images of them....I apologise for the tease and then the non delivery.'s part of my artistic mystique oooooer.

I've also decided to do some drawings for the next exhibition. It's a very odd thing as it's been years since I have done any. I having to keep reminding myself that they're not prelim sketches for paintings. It's all been a tad challenging and a bit of a conundrum...but I reckon I may well be able to produce some half way decent pictures if I knuckle down and just let go. I must say I'm quite enjoying the whole smuggy, pencilly free range thingydoodah of it all. Mmmmm....we'll just have to keep an open mind about how good or bad they are. They're sort of based on bare knuckle fighters and "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding"...I was sort of inspired by some etchings of pugalists I saw at a country house in the summer....ho hum.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Thursday 12 January 2012

Happy happy happy new dodahs to one and all!

I trust everyone had a fandabbydozy time and you're all now back to relative normality?

I have to admit to having a distinct lack of motivation to get back to it following the yuletide festivities....I blame a major overdose of mince pies, turkey and sherry trifle oooer. I am now struggling to get my enormous bulk back behind my table to paint....cooo lummey...I'm having to stretch my wee arms alot more I can tell you...ho hum.

Anyrode up...I digress............

I've decided that this year is the year to do all those paintings that I have wanted to do for eons. I'm going to blast my creative juices all over my studio and have a major free for all.'s hoping that I don't only "talk the talk" but "walk the walk" too. I continue with my "Cloud Angel" painting despite the fact that it completely buggered up on me...well it was my own fault. I had spent so much time mulling over the "commercial viability" of the image that I completely ruined its integrity....oooooer hark at me sounding all Madonna. Upshot was...following a huge hissy fit where I swore that I'd throw myself and my brushes into the nearest is now been re worked and it nearing completion. Mmmm and mmmm...still wondering if it works but it's sure as hell a lorry load better than it was. So ya boo sucks with knobs on.....

Two of my "Faded Seaside Glamour" paintings have sold..."Harlequin" is off to its new abode in Manchester and "Marrionette" is winging its way to France. Hurrah! It's an odd feeling as I've had those paintings for sometime now and I shall miss them.....but atleast they're going to good homes to be loved and admired. My cockles are well and truely hot and I swell with doings....

I am still working with the lovely Julie Waddington from.... She's a bleedin' gorgeous woman and I love her. I shall no doubt continue my "popping up" with her throughout the year. Cheers Julie...sending waves.

I will also be holding a solo exhibition at The Virginia Gallery in Merchant city Glasgow at the end of March. I will keep you posted on dates and the like when I have them firmed up ooooer missis. I'm hoping to include some drawings in this's been eons since I did any and I'm wanting to get back into it. I was inspired by some 18th Century etchings that I clocked at a Stately Home....yes very Downton Abbey. I still need to get the models involved as I want pugulist type images. I can see it in my head but have no idea how it's going to go down on paper...ho hum.

A big thankyou to Drew and Ian at Virginia Gallery for letting me loose on their lovely gallery. Cheers ya!

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x