Thursday 24 December 2009

Bon morrow my festive chums,

Well ding dong merrily...tra la la la la...deck the bowels with sprigs and a fiddly diddly diddly dee!
T'is Christmas Eve.

I trust that everyone is well and prepared for the festivities. I am taking time out after a rather busy six months...I've sort of wound down and taken early retirement for the season, ho hum. This was partly due to being inundated with Christmas visitors and partly due to being knackered.

The "Urban Gothic" series of paintings are ticking along nicely. "Red Riding Hood" is now ensconced at Park Gallery for all the world to view. Please feel free to pop along and have a gander. I wanted to create the atmosphere of "chemistry" between the subjects...mmmm...I'm hoping I have. Riding Hood looks quite the saucy wench and I'll leave you to decide what the big bad wolf is thinking about. This piece, along side "Out of the Shadows" were tackled quite differently from my usual way of working. There was shed loads of over lays and wash painting on top of the block work to be done...I wanted the paintings to have lots of half shadows and an atmospheric quality. I will be following these two with more re tellings and grown up versions of Fairy Tales, Gothic Novels and Nursery Rhymes....oooooer. I reckon these tales were so dark and full of hidden agendas, why not bring them up to date. Mmmmm....we will have to wait and see how successful thay are when completed.......

Also...if you have the urge...there is an opportunity to see "Colin and Justin" in all their jungle glory at Park Gallery in Glasgow. I painted them whilst they were otherwise engaged in a jungle eating kangeroos privates and various grubs. This doesn't seem to have phased them and they look every inch the designer celebrities in the painting...complete with very "designer" combat suits. I'm amazed that Justin stuck it out so long...I know I bleedin' wouldn't of....heydy ho.

The limited edition prints have been received rather well and I'm so very very chuffed about it all. I've gone "global"....ooooooer...Germany and New York are displaying my wares in their lounges...I'm practically an ambasador...I shall have to break out the fererro roche and spoil every one. Please check out the prints on my website....if you go to "contact" and click the link you can view all the prints and print off a brochure if you so wish. I'm also exhibiting these at "the Regent" in Edinburgh in January. The exhibition kicks off on the 2nd January and runs through to the end of the month...please pop along and have a look as I would be so very honoured if you did.................

I would like to say a big huge thank you to some David at Park Gallery for his support, relentless enthusiasm and constant nagging...he calls it "constructive criticism" and "brain storming"...mmmmm...luv ya. Thank you to Rachel for all her ideas and having to edit the nonsense I write. Thank you to all who have been patronising me throughout the to be patronised...bring on the patronising is what I say....especially Michael and Alan who have both contributed ideas that have been most welcome. Thank you to Frank and John for taking a leap of faith and commissioning portraits....and lastly...a big fat thank you to Graham for just being..............

Well my chums have a frolic filled and fun packed festive. Enjoy!

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Monday 2 November 2009

Morning Peeps,

Hope that all's well in your worlds....mine has been a tad hectic of late and I'm still recovering from a rather frenzied weekend in Manchester....ho hum. Blimey...and there was me thinking that the Americans had the edge on halloween................

I've been in Manchester to set up and launch the limited edition print series...the partying was a sort of distraction. They can be seen in Taurus Bar in Canal Street, please feel free to pop along and have a gander. It's been a busy old time what with the prints, commissions and new paintings and I'm rather pleased with how it's all turned out. Major thank you to David from Park Gallery....he's been a diamond and his advice has been invaluable. The prints have been produced on canvass as well as paper and look very impressive....even though I say it myself. Mmmm...modesty Ivor...modesty.

I'm about to embark on some new paintings...these are going to be on a larger scale and a square format...something I rarely do so it will be an experience and a challenge. I have a vague concept sparking around in my head about "changelings" and "opposites"....there are some animals lurking there to but these may not surface but just be a side line....ho hum. T'is hard at times for the creative flow not to be clogged up with sidelines...I blame to many cakes and a shed load of sugar.....really need to go on a detox.

I finished the commission painting and...despite the current postal was shipped off to the client. He was very happy with it which made me even more happy that he was happy and, subsequently there were a couple of happy people being happy. Thank you Frank for your was much appreciated.

Also....I'd like to say a big thank you to Dillon Buck who has used the painting I did of him as a limited edition T Shirt as part of his new clothing range. Thank you fella....I am mucho honoured my handsome friend.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Sunday 11 October 2009

Hellooooooo peeeps!

Blimey, blimey, damn and's been forever since my last blog. I have absolutely no excuse except, I have been dead busy, the computer went off line for a spell and I find it hard to know what and what not to write on this 'ere thing. Ho hum.

Where to start my chums?

Firstly...things have been rather successful at Park Gallery in Glasgow. David....the owner, and now my new best friend, has been an absolute brick. What that bloke doesn't know about figurative painting aint worth knicker elastic. The paintings are attracting alot of attention and I have managed to sell a few...ooooer...I'm so happy. It has been quite a journey for me, especially as I now have to muti task and get my head round "doing business"...not a good combination for me. I really don't muti task and can get quite's just as well that David is so calm and can put a stop to all of this carry on.
There is now to be a set of limited edition prints made from six of the paintings. It is part of the "Urban Angels" series and they will be available from November 2009. The "Battered Angels", "Mercury", "Romulus", "Gabriel the Messenger" and "The Protector" are the chosen ones, they will be launced at Taurus Bar, Canal Street Manchester on 1st November. Please feel free to pop along and check them out. I am very excited about this turn of events and love the idea of having a set of images that are a collective. Thank you David for having the faith in me...thank you Michael for all your support...and thank you Graham for just being....

I'm busy working on the "Urban Angels". I've just finished painting "The Protectors" mate. This was a tough one to do as I get getting distracted by other stuff....see...told you I don't muti task. Think I invested alot of emotional energy into this painting and it certainly shows. I had the usual "Oh why oh why do I bother even painting as I'm so crap at it!" after it was finished but I'm calm again now and about to embark on another piece. Mmmmm..this one will be the third in the series....not exactly a triptych...but as near as damn it. The three tell a story...I'll wait til they're all complete before I divulge...........hey hoo.

I've also been working on a commission...thank you Frank for being so patient. Painting the commission piece has been a very therapeutic experience as it managed to focus me whilst I was getting overly anxious about all the other stuff. I've almost finished it now and am hoping that Frank is as pleased with it as I want him to be...mmmmm....fingers crossed.

Thank you my chums for taking the time,

Ivor x

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Good morning everybodies...

Mmmm...what can I say?...I've been a lazy git?...I forgot my blogging duties?...mmmm.

To be fair I've been painting flat out and have only just allowed myself some respite from all the blood, sweat and tears that is "the art" and all it's creation. Yes I know I sound like a pretentious moron, but verily and forsooth, t'is the truth. Glasgow's Park Gallery have launched their "figurative" began on Saturday 15th and will run for a month. I am honoured to say that I am included in the exhibition...having 9 pieces of work on view. Thank you David for letting me be well hung in your gallery....ooooer.

The "Urban Angel" series continue and they seem to be developing at their own pace. I'm not sure if they're quite the same concept as I had in my head at the time of starting them. They have aquired an ethereal quality that smacks less of "gritty urban wasteland" and more "this is modern life and it sucks" Ho hum... They were inspired by some old Tudor masterpieces that I saw at a country house...the idea was to paint a portrait that was detailed and coloured to an inch of it's life and to twist the scene with modern symbolism...mmmmmmm and ho hum. I always create a painting that the viewer can look at and make some decisions as to what is happening. Someone asked me why all my subjects have tears in their eyes...the viewer is left to decide the scenario and if they're tears of joy or sorrow, sometimes it isn't that obvious....

I am now painting like the clappers to get enough work together for the Manchester exhibition in November...I'm off to check out the space next week so will have some idea of how many pieces I will need. I am grateful to "Taurus Bar" in Canal Street for letting me exhibit with them and allowing me to crash in on them next week....Pride starts, so they'll all be dead busy. I'm really looking forward to this exhibition as it'll be my first solo in a while....dead dead scary scary stuff...just hope my arm holds out, I've not had this much arm ache since adolescence.....I'm still unsure if I will just exhibit one series of paintings or to go for a more diverse's a concurrent countdown conundrum to be sure.

I spoke to a very nice lady called Christine at "The Regent" in Edinburgh this past week and I have set a date to exhibit with them in January 2010. I will be starting the year with my wares on display...this is a great feeling as it sets a tone for the coming year.....hopefully. Well a bloke can dream can he not? I just hope my eyes and arm hold out...I'm not as young as I was...reckon it's time to break out the muti vits and cod liver oil........hey ho.
I've also got some commission work to get done in between all of this displaying of wares...I'm dead excited...long may it continue and ya boo sucks to the "credit crunch" and the dreaded "recession"

If you feel an uncontrollabe urge...check out these sites...apparently the more hits the further up googles pole one goes...ooooer.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Thursday 9 July 2009

Hello everyone...

Mmmmm...I'm finally getting my finger out and doing this blog. I have no idea why it's taken me so long to attempt it. I blame my age and ability to get very distracted rather than do what I really should be doing...ho hum. Well here goes..............

I have finally finished "Vision of Hell"...the third panel of the triptych I was commissioned to do. It has winged its way to Olde London Town to sit along side it's brothers. I must admit to be rather happy with the way it turned out. Lucifer became the image I wanted him to be...slightly smug and not at all "horny" or "gnarled". I mean, he was one of Gods chosen at the start and sat merrily along side the other Angels in Heaven. It's a shame he became ambitious and naffed God off...mmmm...think there's a lesson for us all there. I wonder how many of us out there think that ambition is such a sin???...oooer, I've come over all theological. I shall desist forthwith.
The three paintings sit very well together..or so I'm informed by their owner. He reckons they all work as a composition. I have yet to see them in situ and am thankful that they ended up's the first time I've done a triptych with out each panel being available to size up. I must say it's all worked out swimmingly well, especially as my mathematical skills leave alot to be desired. I don't even think I made CSE at school....oh bum...that's aged me.

The "Urban Angels" have been started. They're being painted very "old masterish" with a twist. Wanted them to be very detailed and make the viewer look for all the bits of modern symbolism etc...well that's the theory...let's hope they turn out that way. I have a habit of altering the concept as I go. I blame my over active imagination and the fact that I'm so easily distracted. I start with a definite plan in my head and initial inspiration for a series...but then...hey all goes belly up because I see something else that tweaks my imagination. I've sort of ended up seeing great beauty in power stations and knackered buildings to getting overly moist about old Tudor's a concurrent countdown conundrum. I have recently visited Drumlanrig's very beautiful and full of some extremely stunning paintings...hence the moistness...upshot of it all is..ornate frames, small scale portraits and derelict buildings. Mmmm we shall have to see how they evolve.

Can I say a great big fat thank you to David at Park Gallery...he's flogged one of my paintings and I'm blissfully happy about it. It's the "Mars" painting...the model has been informed and is chuffed to bits he will be adorning a patrons wall, as am I....and as is David I should imagine as he can feel relieved that his faith in my work has been justified.....

Thank you David.
Thank you Greg for modelling.

I've also landed a couple of portrait commissions recently...this has perked me up as they're quite scary to do and will keep me on my toes. Scary because they can be a right challenge. It is human nature to see oursleves so differently from how others see us. This is the challenge which I hope I can rise to...ooooer. They are both so different and have to be worked accordingly, I always keep the client aware of every stage of the painting...that way they can say if they approve or not. It may seem an odd way of working, I know some artists who don't want anyone to see the piece until it's finished. I'd rather work this way as it can save so much time and anxiety on everyones part. Thank you to John and Frank for having such faith in is much appreciated. Here's hoping I rise to it...ooooer again.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Friday 5 June 2009

Hello peeps,

What can I say?...the second painting of the triptych is winging it's way towards Olde London Town as we permitting. I must say it was a bit of a bugger to do this one, still unsure it it's what the client had in mind when he commissioned it but, hey ho... I think the anxiety stems from such little information about the "Creation of Adam"...I mean, we all know he is the first human to be created in Gods image but will he be the "image" that the client was expecting????.....ooooer....fingers crossed. On a positive note though....I know it'll sit along side the "Ascension" panel very well and the balance of colour and composition should work rather well. Here's hoping that the third panel doesn't balls it all up. I think the decision to paint all three with a very "English" theme was the right thing to do as it gives the whole image a rather excentric feel.

I've commenced the "Vision of Hell" this third painting should tie the whole triptych together....mmmmmm....we shall see. Ho hum.

"Lucifer" is looking dead smug at the minute...mind, if you were sat ruling over the lost souls in a fiery pit all the live long eternity...I suppose you'd have something to be smug about. I'm trying to make him less "evil" in presentation and more "boy next door"...yeah right, now that'll work. Want a new look to poor old Lucifer...I mean, having horns sticking out the side of your head can't be much fun. You'd be constantly snagging them on door, it would be very tempting for the "lost souls" to use you as a hat rack. Upshot of this is Lucifer will be without horn......

I'm also not to sure how Hell can be portrayed as "olde England"'s a concurrent countdown conundrum. The last two panels had a lot of symbolism in them that depicted a certain "Englishness". Oh well, it'll all come together as I paint no doubt. My work usually develops in unexpected ways........

I'm also developing ideas for the next series of paintings...hopefully these will be ready for the exhibition in Manchester in November. Want to do an "Urban Angels" series. I was in Blackpool recently and saw the ruins of the arson attack on Yates wine lodge. It's very strange that a building that has been ravaged by fire can still be so beautiful. Anyrode sort of sparked up some ideas in my head so am working on them whilst completing the triptych. This is quite a wonder for me as I can't muti-task normally...........

Thursday 21 May 2009

Good evening all...

Well where do I start?'s been a busy old week really. I'm trying to juggle organising work for the exhibition I'm having in Manchester and finishing the commission painting. It's a conundrum to be sure.

The painting of "the creation of Adam" is almost complete...I've still got to organise the framing and give it a general tweaking but, all in all, it's virtually done. It's been an odd commission this one as a great many people have no idea what or who it is I'm painting. I suppose the trouble with painting a religious subject one has to have a good knowledge of the subject matter and there is very limited reference to the creation of Adam in the bible. Plus...and this is a big plus...Michaelangelo's "creation of Adam" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is a bleedin' tough act to follow...I mean, how iconic is that piece of work? It would of been easier all round to do a traditional "Adam and Eve" painting in the garden of Eden...then everyone would of known who the Adam I'm painting and banging on about is...hey ho.
It's also the second panel of the triptych and I'm crossing my fingers and toes that it balances up to the main panel of "the Ascension". The "Ascension" is already housed in it's new home and awaiting it's two counterparts..... I've never worked on a triptych this seperately before. I usually have all three pieces together to juggle with and balance up, we shall have to wait to see if they all do. soon as this one is finished it's being posted off to meet it's "central" brother so the third will be worked as a seperate entity too. At least the final panel won't confuse's "a vision of Hell"...surely everyones heard of Hell and the Devil ??? It's a concurrent countdown conundrum if they haven't..............Ho Hum.

I'm now on display on the Park Gallery's website...I'm still dead chuffed about that one. David, the owner, has proved to be such a diamond geezer...he's very "on the ball" and it's been a pleasure doing business with him. I thank you're a star.

Right I'm off to do some research about "Hell" in general...sure as hell hope there's more reference to it in the Bible than there was of the "creation of Adam"...will save shed loads of confusion...

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Friday 8 May 2009

Good afternoon my chums,

Blimey, blimey,'s been eons since I last blogged. I have been moving house...awaiting tinternet connection and rushing about like a thing possessed. Incidentally I'm now a Scottish bod...having moved across the border. I'm forever tossing off cabers and chasing haggis. I'm also thinking of forming a "Krankies" tribute act but am unsure if I can still get away with wearing shorts...

I'm now installed in my new abode...have unpacked the equipment and have been attempting to paint the second part of the "Ascension" triptych. It's been altered slightly from having wailing deciples and Marys either side to "The birth of Adam" on the left and "A vision of Hell" on the right. Ooooooer! I must say it makes very interesting subject matter. I never realised that poor old Adam was bunged together from dust and had to hang about for 7 days or such til God breathed life into him....still, I suppose we end up as dust so we may as well of come from it too....
The youth I am using as Adam is looking a tad worried at the minute...mind if you're surrounded by the "Holy Ghost", apples and snakes and awaiting life to be breathed into would look a bit anxious. Ho hum. I'm trying to create a smidgeon of mediaeval wall art on this's a conundrum trying to create a twisted perspective without looking as though you've messed it all up. We shall have to see if it works or needs re-jigged when all the background is painted in.

I have also been to see a very nice man who owns a very good gallery in Glasgow. It is a breath of fresh air to meet a bloke who is so passionate about art and who is so knowlegable about it all. He's also very approachable...this does help when the paranoia kicks in and you just want to run for the hills leaving a wake of painted boards behind you..........thank you David.
It's called the Park has a very good website too if you want to check it out. Some of the work in the gallery is outstanding. The upshot of the visit was that David agreed to take all the work that I had brought...hurrah!
I am now on display in a Glasgow gallery and I'm more perky than a perky person on the perky bus leaving perky town for a perky week end away....blimey, I'm chuffed.

The exhibition in Manchester is still on track...well..sort of...may have to burn the midnight oil to get enough stuff together but...hey ho...these things are sent to try us....

Thank you for taking the time...

Ivor x

Monday 9 March 2009

Good evening my special chums,

I am back from a very gruelling period of my life...mmm...what can one say, it has been dead knackering. I am about to make some life changing decisions and it has been a tad taxing on ones old blogging elbow. Does this appear to be a very feeble excuse for taking so long to blog?.........mmm you know me so well.

Apart from the very over dramatised issue above I have been painting steadily and have finally finished the main panel of the "Ascension". It has been a very strange experience as I have learnt much more than I had bargained for. I thought I had a definite idea of how it should of turned out...but...that was not the case at all. The painting seemed to guide its self..yes, I know that sounds like "new age hippy crystal waving nonsense" but it did. The finished piece has a definite "English" quality. I had intended it to be kind of Middle Eastern with a Catholic twist, not at all...very "English" with a medaeval twist...hey ho. Mind you, I have visited numerous old churches and cathedrals recently, perhaps they had inspired me more than I had realised. It is a triptych and the other two panels have yet to be embarked on. The wood is cut and ready for the's a damn shame that I have yet to find my "Mary"...and that is not a euphormism either... in case you're wondering.
I have got the deciples lined up and ready to appear, it will be interesting to see if these follow the same theme as the main panel. If the last painting is anything to go by, they could end up "Scandinavian" with a tribal twist...aint being creative fun?! I can visualise Joseph with the chalice being held up by Peter...who knows...we will see.

The only obstacle now is that the client loves that it is so "English". Nathan tends to think on the same wave length as myself so all should be well...fingers crossed.

Well I'm of to search for my "Mary"....hey ho. Oh and incidentally...I am a great believer in "new age" things so sincerely hope that my run away gob has not offended any body ready this blog.

Thankyou for taking the time,

Ivor x

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Good morning peeps,

I am back from my travels and have finally got the new paintings downloaded onto the website...hurrah!
It's very odd finally getting to look at the paintings on the gallery page, they seem to have been eons and eons in the making. Hey ho... A big fat thank you to Will (Neptune)...Brian (Mercury) and Leigh (Romullus and Remus) for their patience. They have all been sat twiddling their thumbs awaiting a gander of how they ended up looking. Mmmm...I hope that it was worth the wait lads ???
Seriously lads...thank you.

The "Ascension" is plodding along very nicely thank you for enquiring...I'm still not too sure what expression he should have. At the moment he is staring out and looking quite wistful...will have to just go with my gut feeling about it when I'm nearing completion. Incidentally, I was going to bung up a progress painting to be viewed by all...however, in my constant state of thickyness and technophobia, I was unable to download the image onto my USB doodah. Hopefully my very good and patient friend Chris will be able to sort me out to sort it out. Not sure if that makes any sense what so ever but I'm just off to work so am using that as the excuse.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x

Sunday 25 January 2009

Hello peeps,

T'is that time again for me to bore you rigid with my antics or lack of antics...depending on how people judge antics....

I have had a trip to "wee bonny Scotland"...Glasgow to be precise. It is a fantastic city, very vibrant and ever so friendly. I had a great time. I went to see "Offshore" cafe/gallery in the hope of getting an exhibition there in the future. I am well aware that galleries are so well ahead with their bookings but a rough estimated date would of been nice. It came to pass that the manageress was unavailable for comment...hey ho. She has been left with a port folio and contact details so, here's hoping that she gets back to me. Mmmm...I have to admit it's been a couple of weeks now and still "zitch".............
I'm not so bothered that I may not be able to exhibit at "Offshore", though I'd be a big fat liar if I said that I didn't want to...the actual gallery space would enhance the "Romanesque" wall paintings very well...only it would be ever so nice to be told the reason why one can't. I do like to have feed back, even if it's not what I want to hear. Call me a sad old masochistic dwarf.
I did get to meet Will...he's the bloke who has become "Neptune". We had not met before and Will had not seen the finished was brill to be able to let him see himself immortalised in acrylics. I think he's hoping he did. What a thoroughly decent and top bloke he was too. Thanks Will for all your support. I'm off to Liverpool to get all the new pieces photoshopped and bunged onto the web page next week end so all the world can then have a gander at the man that is Will.....

The "Ascension" painting is developing very nicely. It is a joy to do to be honest. It's a tad different from the stuff that I have been producing of late...far more vibrant and it has a richness of colour that is indicative of the medieval alter boards on which it is based. I have spent all the live long day painting fabric...I close my eyes and I see a red glow. Here's hoping Nathan approves....ooooer. I am also developing a very stiff neck and shoulders as it is a bigger painting than most I produce...I am constantly stood leaning over it in very strange positions. I knew I should of taken up yoga...I'm bleedin' sure old Madonna wouldn't be aching like my old carcass does and the end of the day.

Why oh why can't I be more bendy???

Thank you for taking the time....

Ivor x

Sunday 11 January 2009

Good morrow to one and all!

A big fat happy new year...I know it's late and I haven't been about and I haven't blogged in eons but...hey ho...I've not been too happy to tell the truth.
Why is it that there are always great expectations to the coming of a new year?'s like everyone in the whole wide world had decided that last year was rubbish but this year will be fabulous....mmmm I beg to differ... I worked the entire yuletide so it all staggered past me. It did give me a chance to reflect on how I wanted to spend this year. Upshot that 2009 has wimpered into being...I will be painting painting painting, looking for gallery space and exhibitions and...more painting.

I spent some time recently visiting old ruined Abbeys and a beautiful Priory in Cartmel. It has truely inspired me to give the "Ascension" painting a new angle. I'm thinking stain glass windows, knackered old walls, painted panels and distressed alters...mmm...hope the punter who's commissioned is thinking the same things. Hey up for "old medieval Greektype othadox ascension"??? I know this sounds dead flippant and I should be treating my patron with the respect he deserves...Nathan and I go back along way and I know he is on the same "visual" wavelength as me.

I began painting "Christ" this week end...despite the appalling light. (I know the freezing weather was a ball ache but it did provide fantastic light for painting.) I am always slightly anxious when creating a "new face" as it is the focal point to the piece and also sets the mood for the final work. The "Christ" that has appeared looks a very perplexed one. He is also extremely dark and jewish/middle eastern he should be considering his background. It's early days as to how the final painting will look but I am happy with it so far...even if I have practically blinded myself painting in this light. It's part of a triptych...the other two panels will be of the desciples and the two Marys...what their origins will end up being will develop along side the main "Christ" painting. It's all a mystery to me as I go along...I'm just enjoying the ride at the doubt I shall have the usual "Oh sod this!, it's all rubbish"...but we will just have to weather that storm when it happens....

I'm off to Glasgow next week end...I'm hoping to get to see the manageress at "Offshore". It's a cafe/gallery in the West End of the city. Fingers crossed that I will be considered for an exhibition at some point. I had a friend display his wares there and the space would be fantastic for the Romanesque wall's hoping my chums.

Thank you for taking the time,

Ivor x